Welcome To GymCats Gymnastics

GymCats Gymnastics was founded over 30 years ago with the main goals of creating athletes as well as the foundations for them to succeed both in and out of sports. We start our classes as young as 20 months and continue to challenge them well into their teens. GymCats Gymnastics is the most modern fully equipped facility in Southern New York State. It is centrally located in Yonkers, Hastings, and Dobbs Ferry areas. Every one of our classes works to improve a student’s motor skills, body and spatial awareness, lower body strength, and upper body strength, as well as challenging their minds through various drills. Our goal at GymCats is to build a physical and mental foundation for all sports and to promote athleticism and good health through participation in gymnastics.


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The GymCats coaching staff is made up of some of the most energetic and dedicated instructors in the area. Parents and students respect and appreciate their knowledge and experience. Our friendly staff will make your child's experience fun, educational and memorable!


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Regulation 40' X 40' Olympic Grade Gymnastics Spring Floor
Two Sets of Tension Uneven Parallel Bars
A Single Uneven Bar Placed Over a Foam Filled 7' Deep Landing Pit
Four Suede 16' high Balance Beam and Four Low Practice Beams
Cargo Net
30' x 6' Deep Pit Filled with the Industries Newest Spandex Covered Foam Balls
In Ground Trampoline
30' Tumbling Trampoline
Ethafoamed and Carpeted 75' Vault Runway
An AMF Suede Vaulting Horse
Air Conditioned



BRAND NEW: Tiny Cats/Tumbling Area

Tumbl Trak Air Floor Pro
8ft Fitness Wheel Trampoline
5ft Fitness Wheel Foam Filled Pit
Pyramid Beam Blocks
Adjustable Bar
Padded Low Balance Beam
Vaulting Station
Various Jumping Blocks
Various Tunnels and Obstacles
And so much more! 

Registration/Payment Information

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Registration is done online: click here, in person at our office, through email or over the phone. All waivers must be accepted before entering the gym. No student will be permitted in the gym until registration procedures are complete. Payment must accompany the online registration. If you do not complete the payment by 11:59pm, the system will automatically drop you from the class. No class placements will be held without tuition payment.

Class placements will be held in the order payments are received. Please register promptly to assure a place for your child in the class of your choice.

We have mid-session enrollment as long as there is availability. We will prorate the classes.

Any child registered for a session is obligated for the entire session fee.

Payment must be paid in full at the time of registration.

NO REFUNDS will be given. In case of withdrawal (due to injury or serious illness) your balance will be credited minus a $50 processing/insurance fee.

A split-payment plan is available for special circumstances for an additional fee of $40.00. Terms apply and a Split-Payment Form must be filled out and secured with credit card.

We accept payment in the form of cash, check*, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.
*$30.00 returned check fee will be applied to tuition balance. Future tuition will then have to be paid in cash, certified check, money order or Visa/Master Card.

New Student Policy

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NEW STUDENTS ONLY: register online to reserve your spot in the class. As a new student, you have up until the end of the second class after registration to decide if you want to continue or not. If you choose not to continue, we will give you a prorated refund minus the cost of the 1 or 2 class(es). You are responsible for paying for the first class no matter what, even if you do not attend the first class. If you decide not to continue after the first class, you must give at least 48 hour notice before the second class to avoid being charged for the second class as well.

Make-Up Class Policy

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Make-Up classes are for illness and family emergencies only. We will allow make-up classes based on OUR availability, and these are not guaranteed. We urge you to try to make every class. A maximum of 2 make up classes are allowed within one session. No make-up credits can be carried over to future sessions. Make-ups are by appointment only. NO make-up classes will be given for inclement weather closings.

Dress Code

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Observation Policy

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Only students are allowed in the gym. All spectators must remain in the waiting area. We have 2 waiting areas that the classes can be viewed from. All 3 & 4 year old Tiny Cat parents/guardians are required to stay in the facility for the duration of their child's class. Only parents/guardians with children participating in Parent & Me classes will be allowed on the gym floor.

Children should not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to class start time. Children should also be picked up promptly.

Class Types

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Tiny Cats

This program is divided into 2 separate groups: Parent & Me and 3+4 Year Olds.

1) Parent & Me- 35 minute class

An instructional class offered for children of 20 months – 35 months. (A care giving adult must be present and physically able to participate with child.)

Children will engage on all of our age appropriate equipment alongside a certified instructor.

They will learn foundational gymnastics skills, as well as gross motor skills.

These classes will be held in our NEW Tiny Cats space.


2) 3 & 4 Year Old Gymnastics- 40 minute class

Children attend class with their instructor. (Parents will wait in the waiting area.)

Teacher child ratio is low- 6 students to 1 teacher.

These classes feature basic movement education based upon motor learning principles and include upper and lower body large muscle development, basic coordination skills, beginner gymnastics skills, bar and vaulting skills, as well as body and spatial awareness.

We focus on personal best with this age group.

These classes will be held in our NEW Tiny Cats space.

Little Cats- Ages 5-6 1/2, 50 minute class

All of our classes are co-ed!

No experience is necessary to enter this class.

This class is the beginning of a great foundation for achieving excellence in any future sports. Our program emphasizes safety and skill progression through basic drill skills and apparatus training.

All groups will start with an active dynamic warm up that gets the body ready for physical activity.

Both girls and boys will train skills on uneven bars, balance beam, floor exercise and vault.

All Little Cat classes will also use the trampolines, foam-filled pit, and climbing apparatus as training tools.


Big Cats- Ages 6 1/2-12, 1 hour and 10 minute class

There is no prior gymnastics experience necessary to enroll in this class.

Each Big Cat class is typically grouped within a year and half age range.

For example: 6 1/2–8 years, 9–10 1/2 years, etc.

Girls and Boys will train skills and routines on the appropriate apparatus.

Although a beginner program, we will focus on technique, form, and proper execution of each gymnastic skill learned.

Our goal is for children to build the necessary confidence and self-esteem needed to perform such skills, as well as succeed in any future activities.

All Big Cat classes will also use the trampolines, foam-filled pit, and climbing apparatus as training tools as well as the main 4 Olympic events (vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise).


Super Cats (Invitation Only)- Ages 6 1/2-13, 1 hour and 10 minute class

This class is by coach’s invitation or evaluation only. 

Within this advanced recreational class, there is a greater emphasis on developing strength and flexibility, as well as form and technique.

From this program, girls and boys will be able to advance to our Pre Team.

All Super Cats classes will also use the trampolines, foam-filled pit, and climbing apparatus as training tools as well as the main 4 Olympic events (vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise).


Pre Team (Invitation Only)- Ages 7-14, 1 hour and 10 minute class

This class is by coach’s invitation or evaluation only.

Our goal for our Pre Team students is to get them ready to join our Advanced Gymnastics Program (Team). This class is much more detail oriented and designed to prepare the students to have a solid foundation to begin their team career on.

Our curriculum is designed to prepare our students to progress to our team program.

All Pre Team classes will also use the trampolines, foam-filled pit, and climbing apparatus as training tools as well as the main 4 Olympic events (vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise).


Recreational Class Schedule


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First Day of Spring Semester:
Saturday, February 1st 2025

We will be closed:
Monday, February 17th-Saturday, February 22nd
Monday, April 14th-Sunday, April 20th
Sunday, May 11th
Monday, May 26th

Last Day of Spring Semester:
Friday, June 20th 2025

First Day of 3 & 4’s Holiday Camp:
Monday, June 23rd 2025

First Day of Summer Camp:
Monday, June 30th 2025

Parent & Me (20-35 months)
Friday- 1:45pm-2:25pm
Saturday or Sunday- 9:00am-9:35am

Tiny Cats (3 & 4 years old)
Tuesday or Friday- 1:00pm-1:40pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday- 4:00pm-4:40pm
Monday- 4:45pm-5:25pm
Wednesday, Thursday or Friday-5:10pm-5:50pm
Saturday or Sunday- 9:40am-10:20am
Saturday or Sunday- 10:40am-11:20am
Saturday- 12:00pm-12:40pm

Pre Little Cat Girls & Boys (4 1/2-5 years old)
Saturday or Sunday- 9:40am-10:30am

Little Cat Girls & Boys (5-6 1/2 years old)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday- 4:00pm-4:50pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday- 5:10pm-6:00pm
Saturday or Sunday- 9:40am-10:30am
Saturday or Sunday- 10:40am-11:30am
Saturday or Sunday- 12:00pm-12:50pm

Big Cat Girls & Boys (6 1/2-12 years old)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday- 4:00pm-5:10pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday- 5:10pm-6:20pm
Monday- 5:30pm-6:40pm
Saturday or Sunday- 10:40am-11:50am
Saturday or Sunday- 12:00pm-1:10pm

Teen Big Cats (12-18 years old)
Monday- 5:30pm-6:40pm

Super Cat Girl & Boys (INVITATION ONLY!)
Monday, Wednesday or Friday- 4:00pm-5:10pm
Monday, Tuesday or Thursday- 5:10pm-6:20pm
Saturday or Sunday- 10:40am-11:50am
Saturday- 12:00pm-1:10pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday- 5:10pm-6:20pm
Saturday- 12:00pm-1:10pm

Friday- 4:00-5:10pm or 5:10pm-6:20pm

Tumbling (Ages 9 and up)
Monday- 5:30pm-6:20pm

Open Gym (Ages up to 5 years old)
Call or email for availability!

Tuition Prices (Spring 2025)

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Semester Tuition

*There is a total of 18 classes per semester.

Tiny Cats (*2, 3 & 4 yrs) 40 minutes $639.00
Pre Little Cats (4½-5 yrs) 50 minutes $684.00
Little Cats (5- 6½ yrs)  50 minutes $684.00
Big Cats (6½-12 yrs)  1 hour 10 minutes $799.00
Teen Big Cats (12-17) 1 hour 10 minutes $799.00
Super Cats (by invitation) 1 hour 10 minutes $799.00
Pre Team (by invitation) 1 hour 10 minutes $799.00
Tumbling (9 & up) 50 minutes $684.00

$75.00 discount for each additional sibling enrolled in classes- only applies for the first 4 weeks of the semester.
A discount also applies if child is enrolled in more than one class per week.

*Some classes might meet 17 times due to holidays- the system will automatically charge for one less class.

**Two year old classes are 35 minutes.

Advanced Team Program

Our team is designed with our most advanced athletes in mind. Team practices are held on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings from 6:00-8:00pm based on availability. Our students attend one or two nights per week depending on their other activities. We have both non-competitive and competitive teams within our advanced gymnastics program. New athletes will be allowed to join the competitive team at management’s discretion and through evaluation.

In-House Program

Our non-competitive athletes may attend practice one or two nights per week. Each night, they will start with a group warm up and then train on each of the four Olympic Women’s events. In addition to the four events, they will use our foam filled pit, TumblTrak, in ground trampoline and climbing rope to help develop strength and improve their skills. We will have 2 in-house Intrasquad Competitions (1 in January and 1 in June) where our non-competitive team members will have the chance to showcase their skills to a judge and receive awards for their efforts. They will not be competing against each other; this is focused on personal best!

Competitive Program

Our competitive team follows USAG Xcel. The Xcel program requires less training hours (though we still ask competitive athletes to train multiple times per week). This makes Xcel a great choice for our gymnasts since a majority of them participate in other activities throughout their competitive season! We will create fun, progressive yet practical routines for our levels with slight additions based on their individual needs. They even get fun floor music! Our competitive athletes MUST attend practice twice a week. They may be instructed on which days to attend in order to maximize practice productivity. They will start with a group warm up followed by rotations on each of the four Olympic Women's events. In addition to the four events, they will use our foam filled pit, TumblTrak, in ground Trampoline and climbing rope to help develop strength and improve their skills as needed.

If you are interested in our team program, please email Rachael at [email protected] or call (914) 965-7676. All new team members must schedule a private lesson evaluation prior to joining the program.

Birthday Parties

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#1 Spot for a Birthday Party!

GymCats Gymnastics is famous for its fun-filled, PRIVATE birthday parties! Our energetic and interactive staff and spectacular facility will make every birthday party a memorable experience!

Ages 5 & Up ONLY!

We provide:

  • One hour of birthday party activities on our spacious gymnastics floor
  • 30 minutes in our private party room
  • Low student/teacher ratio
  • Party hostess/host to assist during party and cleanup
  • Refrigerator and freezer available

You provide:

  • Paper goods and utensils
  • Cake and candles
  • Food and beverages
  • Decorations such as banners and balloons are accepted.

Sorry, no piñatas, confetti, ceiling decorations, or alcohol. 

Children start the party with an exciting warmup and move on to an obstacle course set up on the perimeter of the floor.
No experience is necessary; designed to include all children.
After jumping, swinging and rolling through the obstacle course, children then move on to the following apparatus:

  • Trampoline
  • Foam filled pit
  • GIANT Air-filled slide 
  • Air-filled castle

After an hour of action packed activities, children then spend a half hour in our private party room.

Party Packages
$475 for first 12 children (including birthday child)

13-15 children: $545.00

16-18 children: $595.00

18+ children: $595.00 PLUS $22 extra per additional child after 18.

We accommodate a maximum of 24 children.

Gratuity is not included for any of the above packages.


Available Days and Times for Parties:

Saturdays: starting at 3:15pm
Sundays: starting at 2:15pm


  • A $200 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a specific party date and time.  If we have to cancel due to inclement weather, we will do our best to reschedule your party on the next available date. There is no guarantee your rescheduled party date will be close to the original date.
  • We offer 30 minutes extra in the party room ONLY for an additional $75.  Please let us know at time of booking if you would like this option.
  • GymCats does not offer a choice of party room.
  • Please email at least 7 days prior to your party to confirm the number of children. This confirmed number will determine the minimum cost of the party.
  • Please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to your party’s start time to begin setup.
  • Only parents of the birthday child(ren) will be allowed on the floor to take pictures, record video, etc. All other parents must remain in the viewing area overlooking the gym floor.
  • Any person on the floor, 18 years old or younger is considered a participant and is counted in the total. If you choose not to include any person 18 and under as party participants, it is the parent's responsibility to ask them to leave the gym floor.
  • Any party that exceeds party room time limit will be charged $50 extra per every 15 minutes.
  • Party times fill up quickly so please book your party early.
  • Tips are not included in the party package price.
  • Checks are not acceptable for party balances.

Summer Camp 2024

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Next, Click Here for Summer Camp Application

For Boys and Girls
Ages 4-13

☺ Gymnastics

☺ Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course!


☺ Color Wars

☺ Games, Events & More

☺ Theme Days

☺ 2024 Summer Games Theme Days!

No other Summer Day program can offer quality instruction in beginner through advanced gymnastics in a fully air conditioned facility that teaches gymnastics all year long. While our program offers a fun-filled good time, it also enriches the development of children by providing attitudes and skills that carry over to many of life’s activities.

Individualized Instruction
- Low student to teacher ratio.
- All students are grouped by age.
- No experience necessary in any activities; we specialize in teaching beginners!

All registrations to reserve your spot in our summer camp can be done online by clicking here! Once you register online, please fill out the application and choose between half day or full day camp. There is no option online to choose between the two. We will put your child in the proper half day or full day group once we receive the application from you. Download Application Here

STEP 1. Register Online Here
STEP 2. Click Here for Summer Camp Application- fill out application and either email, drop off or mail it in.
STEP 3. Pay the remaining balance in the form of a check, cash or money order by June 1st- you can either drop off or mail it in.
STEP 4. Click Here for Online NinjaCats Waiver
STEP 5. Check your email for confirmation of waiver completion.

The morning hours will consist of the gymnastics portion of our summer camp. The day will start with a dynamic group warm-up where our campers will get their bodies ready for physical activity. Then at around 9:15-9:30am the campers will be broken into groups based on their age. At that time, boys and girls will make use of all Olympic events, such as floor exercise, uneven bars, balance beams, and vault as well as make use of our in ground trampoline, foam filled pit, Tumbl-Trak ®, cargo net, parallel bars, rings and rope. Our program emphasizes skill progression and safety through basic drills and apparatus training. There will be a snack/coloring break during the morning hours as well. You are responsible for sending your child with their own snack and water bottle.


NinjaCats Obstacle Course
Located within the same facility, the Ninja obstacle course adds another layer of athleticism and fun to our camp day. Campers will run their hardest to get up the warped wall and test their balance, strength and problem solving skills to make it through the many obstacle course options! Their self confidence and motivation will be enhanced by the support and cheering of their instructors and fellow campers. There is a separate online waiver that must be signed for the NinjaCats Warrior Obstacle Course: Click Here for Ninja Waiver


Games and Events

In addition to our outstanding gymnastics program, our afternoon activities keep the energy going through the whole day. We will be organizing activities that are designed to be fun and interactive, and the kids won’t even realize they’re building up speed and agility! Children will participate in our special themed events, such as: CARNIVAL, Color Wars and our Intrasquad competition!! To keep the fun and excitement going, every Friday throughout summer camp will be designated theme days such as Jungle Day, Tie Dye Day, Princess/Super Hero Day, and many more! You can look forward to enhancing creativity with arts & crafts. Dodgeball, capture the flag, and other high energy games will also be a highlight of our afternoon line-up.

IMPORTANT: A $300.00 non-refundable deposit will be required to reserve your spot in our summer camp- this is paid when you register online. Once you REGISTER ONLINE, you will have to complete the application separately and email or mail it back. The completed application and the remaining balance will be due within 3 days of registration. The remaining balance MUST be paid by CASH, CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY! Click Here for Summer Camp Application On the second page of the application, there is a link to follow to complete the online NinjaCats waiver as well.

Full Day 2024
Camp Dates:
Monday, June 24th- Friday, August 16th*
*We are closed 7/4/24

Camp Hours:
Full Day – 9:00am to 3:00pm
Extended Hours:
8:00-9:00am & 3:00-4:00pm
($16.00 per hour, per child)

*Full Day Camp Rates:
8 weeks: $3,920.00
7 weeks: $3,465.00
6 weeks: $3,000.00
5 weeks: $2,525.00
4 weeks: $2,040.00
3 weeks:  $1,545.00
2 weeks: $1,040.00
1 week: $550.00
*We will subtract $95 per day for any camper excluding 6/24, 6/25 or 6/26.
*We will subtract $95 for any camper doing a 4th of July week!

5% sibling discount not to be combined with any other discount

Half Day 2024
Camp Dates:
Monday, June 24th- Friday, August 16th*
*We are closed 7/4/24

Camp Hours:
Half Day – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Extended Hours:
8:00-9:00am & 12:00-1:00pm
($15.00 per hour, per child)

*Half Day Camp Rates:
8 weeks: $3,120.00
7 weeks: $2,765.00
6 weeks: $2,400.00
5 weeks: $2,025.00
4 weeks: $1,640.00
3 weeks: $1,245.00
2 weeks: $840.00
1 week: $450.00
*We will subtract $95 per day for any camper excluding 6/24, 6/25 or 6/26.
*We will subtract $95 for any camper doing a 4th of July week!

5% sibling discount not to be combined with any other discount

Summer Classes (ONLY ON SATURDAYS!)

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Register Online Here

Holiday Camps

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We offer holiday camps on most days that the local school districts are closed.

The morning hours will consist of the gymnastics portion of our holiday camps. We start the day off with a dynamic group warm up to get the camper's bodies ready for physical activity. At around 9:15-9:30am we break up into small groups based on age. At that time, boys and girls will make use of all Olympic events, such as floor exercise, uneven bars, balance beams, and vault as well as make use of our in ground trampoline, foam filled pit, Tumbl-Trak ®, cargo net, parallel bars, rings and rope. There is a 15-30 minute snack/coloring break during that time as well. Children are required to bring their own snack.

Lunch time is anywhere between 11:30am and 12:00pm and lasts between 45 minutes to an hour depending on what is planned for the afternoon activity on that specific day. Children are required to bring their own lunch. After lunch, we have a group activity planned for all of our campers that keeps the energy and excitement going for the rest of the day. Some examples of our afternoon lineup are CARNIVAL, obstacle courses, arts & crafts, dodgeball, group games & more!

Register Online Here

Private Lessons

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Please email [email protected] to inquire about scheduling a private lesson.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: How do I register for classes?
A: All registrations must be done online: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! Once you create your online account, you will choose whichever season you are interested in signing up for. All of the classes that are available to still enroll in will be green. If a class is red, that means it is full but you can add yourself to the waitlist for any closed class.

Q: What if I sign up in the middle of a semester?
A: We have open enrollment based on availability. The system will automatically prorate the cost for you from the time that you sign up!

Q: How many classes will my child attend per week?
A: Your child will attend class once a week. You will pick ONE day and time and come that same day and time every week!

Q: What happens if we need to miss a class?
A: When a class is missed, there is an option for a make-up class. Each student is allotted 2 make-up classes per semester. Make-ups are based on OUR availability and are required to be scheduled in advance. The make-up classes will not roll over to a new semester.

Q: How long does the semester go for?
A: Each semester is 18 classes long! The start and end date as well as our holidays and closings can be found in the Recreational Staff Schedule! Some classes meet 17 times due to holiday closings- the online system will charge for one less class in that case.

Q: Are there specific classes for boys and girls?
A: At GymCats, all of our classes are co-ed!

Q: How many children will be in each class?
A: For our Tiny Cats classes, there are 6 students per group. For all of our other classes, there are 7 students per group.

Q: Where do we park?
A: We are located inside Equalize Fitness. Any parking spot that says "Reserved for Equalize Fitness" is available for GymCats parking as well!

Q: What should my child wear?
A: Girls should wear a leotard & be barefoot (non-slip socks are permitted). No leotards with skirts are permitted to be worn during gymnastics. Shorts/leggings may be worn over leotards. Hair must be secured and no jewelry (post earrings are allowed). Boys should wear close fitted gym shorts or pants, a close fitted T-shirt, and be bare foot (non-slip socks are permitted). Please see our Dress Code section for more details!

Q: My child's hair is too short to tie back. How should I secure it?
A: You can use a headband or clips to secure their hair out of their face.

Q: Are parents allowed to stay and watch the class?
A: Yes! We have a waiting area downstairs that has a clear window looking out into the class area. We also have a bridge that looks out over the top of the class area. Parents are allowed to watch from either of the 2 waiting areas! Parents of children in our Tiny Cats classes are encouraged to stay in the downstairs waiting area

Q: Do I have to stay for my child's whole class?
A: Parents of children above the age of 4 are not required to stay in the facility while classes are going on. We have a drop off and pick up system in place for those parents if they would like!

Q: Do I pay monthly or all at once?
A: In order to reserve a spot in a class, we require payment in full for the semester at the time of registration. If you do not pay by midnight, the system will automatically cancel your class enrollment. We offer a split payment option in which we would take half of the semester payment up front plus a $40.00 installment fee and then charge the card on file the remaining half, one month after the first payment is made.

Q: What is the password requirement to enroll in classes when I try to register online?
A: We open registration for our current students first and provide them with the password. Registration for new students will become available later on and the password requirement will be taken off.

Q: Can my child be put in a group with their friend(s)?
A: Absolutely! The only way we can guarantee that your child will be placed in the same group with their friend(s) is if you email us at [email protected] prior to the start of the class that you are requesting for them to be together. If you tell us when you arrive for classes, there is no guarantee that we will be able to group them together.

Q: What will my child be learning in class?
A: We have a curriculum that all of our teachers follow for all of our classes. The curriculum changes every 2 weeks. The curriculum is designed to be progressional and prepare our students to eventually be ready for our team program.

Q: Can my child be in a more advanced class?
A: Super Cats, Pre Team, and Team are the more advanced programs that we offer. All of these programs are by invitation only or evaluation based. If your child's teacher feels that they are ready to move up, they will let the office know and we will reach out to you! If you feel that your child is ready to move up and you have not heard anything, you can stop by the office and set up a private lesson evaluation. Please visit our private lesson section for rates.